ESB Science Blast

We are attending the ESB Science Blast event in Mary Immaculate College, Limerick on Tuesday 21st May. We are really looking forward to it. We completed a project on the air quality around our school. We conducted traffic surveys, we researched the various causes of air pollution and we put all the information into a project which we will be taking to Limerick. It promises to be a very fun day out. We worked with the Globe project over the course of the year and they conducted the air sample investigation for us. Out of the 26 schools tested around the country, we had the cleanest air!

Well the day finally came and it was amazing. We got to see other school’s projects, present our own and visit some great shows – from Litter lab with scientific Sue and the rapper who taught us all about the solar system. The judges gave us some amazing feedback.

The display was outstanding and it was clear that a lot of work went into the artwork and fantastic PowerPoint.

As this was our first science blast we didn’t know what to expect but we certainly weren’t disappointed!